How to Make a Small Bedroom Look Much Bigger

Unleash the potential in your small bedroom. Forget about stuffing it with space-saving hacks; instead, embrace sophisticated design principles to redefine the perception of space.

Master the Art of Visual Space Manipulation

Let’s start by unlocking the secret magic of optical illusion. Your eyes can be effortlessly fooled into perceiving a room as more spacious. An essential tactic lies in the strategic positioning of furniture. Nestling your larger pieces, such as your bed, along the longest wall creates the illusion of depth. Elevate the gaze with vertical elements like towering bookcases or sky-reaching curtains, thus extending the room’s height.

Mirrors – your mighty tool of illusion- reflect light and space, effectively duplicating your room’s dimensions. A large mirror stationed against a window catches and distributes the natural sunlight. Alternatively, create a distinctive focal point with a collection of smaller mirrors, expanding the perception of the room’s space. Search the likes of Lifestyle Wardrobes and find an amazing wardrobe with a mirror to create a larger space. 

Harness the Luminaire Power of Light

Lighting is a pivotal factor in room perception. A dimly lit room portrays a smaller silhouette, while an adequately lit one seems vastly spacious. Layer your illumination to enhance this effect. Mix ambient lighting (such as ceiling lights), with task lighting (like bedside lamps), and supplement with accent lighting (think fairy lights or sconces). Natural light maximisation is key – use sheer curtains or blinds that draw back fully to drench the room in sunlight, thus augmenting its magnitude.

The Psychological Avalanche of Clutter

Clutter is a nemesis for small spaces. Its impact goes beyond the physical impediment, it disturbs our psychological perception of space. A littered room creates chaos and restrictiveness, while minimalist space evokes feelings of tranquillity and expansiveness.

Adopt an approach of “less is indeed more”. Begin with an exhaustive declutter, preserving only what brings joy or is necessary. Employ ingenious storage solutions to keep surfaces neat. Multifunctional furnishings that combine comfort and storage, such as beds with drawers or ottomans with concealed compartments, endorse a clean, minimalist aesthetic without compromising on functionality.

Embrace Minimalism as a Design Ethos

More than a fleeting trend, minimalism is a lifestyle choice promoting simplicity and functionality. Particularly suitable for small rooms, focus on an undemanding, neutral colour palette to cultivate a serene and unified look. Introduce textures and layers to invigorate the space. A lush area rug or a handful of textured throw pillows can introduce warmth and distinctiveness, while maintaining an overall light and breezy atmosphere.


By transitioning from traditional space-optimising tactics to thoughtful design principles, even the most petite bedrooms can feel grand. Through visual trickery, ingenious lighting, and an embrace of minimalism, you can craft not only a functional but also an inviting space to spend time in. Ready to revolutionise your space? Begin by scrutinising your current setup and experiment with these techniques to find what strikes the right chord with you. With a dash of creativity, your little bedroom might just become your favourite spot in the house.

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